Lower overhead - Keep more of your donations.
Other popular funding sites charge more than 8% overhead
(5% fee + 3% processing + $0.25 per donation).
- If your average donation is $25, that overhead would be 9%.
- So you would get only 91% of the money your donors donated.
- We charge only 4% (1% + 3% processing + $0.25). - About half the overhead !!
- You will get 95% of the money donated.
- Consider if your donations reached $40,000, that 4% difference will be an extra $1,600 for your cause !!
- Beware of so-called 'free' donation sites. They make your donors pay a donation fee.
We charge no fees to your donors.
Get your cause known. A dedicated web page explains your cause and displays status.
No advertising banners on your page.
No minimum collection amounts.
No time-limits or funding limits.
Lower minimum donation amount than other popular sites, ($1 vs. $5)
Link your fund-drive to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google-Circles pages.